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Outreach event, Plymouth, 6th of July. Meeting at 12:00 at the Sundial

Come and join us in the capital of Devon for an outreach event. Where Time to wake up Devon we will be hitting the streets, spreading awareness about the 15 minute smart city agenda and promoting the Plymouth march which is to be held on the 29th of July. Time to wake up Plymouth. 

Outreach Event Plymouth the 15th of July. Meeting at the sundial at 12:00

Come and join us again in the capital of Devon for an outreach event on the 15th of July. Where Time to wake up Devon we will be hitting the streets, spreading awareness about the 15 minute smart city agenda and promoting the Plymouth march which is to be held on the 29th of July. Time to wake up Plymouth. 

Outreach event in Exeter the 22nd of July. Meeting at Exeter Cathedral at 12:00

Come and Join us on the 22nd in Exeter. Where we will be hitting the streets. Spreading awareness about the 15 minute city agenda and also promoting the march for freedom in Plymouth which will be held on the 29th of July.

March for freedom in Plymouth on the 29th of July. Meeting at the Sundial at 12:00

Come and get involved in the biggest march Devon has ever put together. Bring your board, Bring your banners. lets make this a day to remember. We will be marching siliently showing a peaceful demonstration all around the city centre. Before and after the march we will have public speakers as well. We are all meeting at the sundial at 12:00 and will be marching from that time. Time to wake up Plymouth