Our Mission

We are a diverse group of citizens who are concerned about the future and of our future generations to come. We are heavily against the UN agenda 2030 being pushed by unelected globalists and local councillors implementing measures
which threaten our freedom of movement.

We stand against digital id's and cbdcs which threaten ours and our future generations freedoms and basic human rights.

We aim to stop the 15 min cities and 20 min neighbourhoods by raising awareness to the public by uniting Devon to stand against the councils, who are trying to implement these undemocratically and without our consent. We are peacefully applying maximum pressure against these draconian proposals.

  • Are you against losing freedoms under the guise of climate change?
  • Do you want to take positive, peaceful action to help?
  • Can you give some of your time to help our mission?

We have a multitude of ways you can get involved, whatever suits you,from emailing,researching and frontline outreaching to the public.