Time To Wake Up Devon

We are a large group of people dedicated to bringing the people of Devon together. We are 1 movement with the aim of restoring power back to the people. Power that has been lost, and power that must be restored. For far to long the voices of the public have been in the shadows. For far to long our country has been shadow governed by unelected super welathy globalists with the agenda of removing our freedom. We are uniting people from all corners of Devon to stand up against the radical UN 2030 Agenda.

We are against
15-20 minute neighbourhoods

The government has an agenda which is currently being put through by local councils called the Devon carbon plan. This is a radical agenda disguised as "climate change." If it goes ahead,  the public will have their travel restricted,. Where we can no longer move freely for work, travel, holidays or to visit our loved ones. This is the thin end of the wedge, if we dont act now, we will be subject to Climate Lockdowns. We are the united movement in Devon that is fighting this agenda. We will restore freedom of movement back to the people! But we NEED your help to do it. Visit our frequently asked questions page to find out more about this agenda and how you can get involed to help retain our freedom of movement.

Meet The Team

Come and meet the team. View our photo section of all our events we have done and get involved in everything we are doing in Devon. We have a large group, of all ages who have come together together to restore power back to the people of Devon. Our events are action packed and filled with postive vibes. 

Weekly get togethers

We host many types of events. From marches, to handing out leaflets to the public and even host get togethers located all across Devon. Our stand in the park gatherings are held weekly in family freindly environments. If you are new to our group, this is soft way of getting involved, talking to like minded people over a cup of coffee . We host them EVERYWHERE  over Devon. Visit our stand in the park page to find out more

Leaflets and distribution

As you can see from the photo above. We hand out a lot of truth to the public in Devon.  Due to censorship from the social media giants shadow banning and deplatforming the public from speaking the truth. We hit the streets, on a regular occurrence spreading awareness to the public about the UN agenda 2030. The media are complicit in the advertising of this agenda disguising it as "climate change." Get involed in bringing Devon together, helping us spreading awarness by clicking the link below. 

Upcoming Events

Get involved in all the upcoming events! Where we hold huge marches, pub meetins and outreach events all over Devon. Don't be shy to get involved. Once you start speaking to the public about what is going on, they are understandably concerned that the media and our local councils are hiding this information from the public. 

Time to wake up Devon logo

Time to wake up Devon merchandise

Awareness is everything in our fight for freedom. When people see you wearing your very own Time to wake up Devon merchandise out and about. They will ask you questions what our movement is about. They will go on their phone and type in "time to wake up Devon." Where they will land on this website. Due to censorship, we HAVE to advertise what we are doing subliminally in order to keep growing our movement in order to retain our freedom. Get your Time to wake up Devon merchandise today and help recruit more numbers to the casue. 

Time To Wake Up Devon

Copyright © 2020 My Company LLC